When will my Maine Coon kitten develop her full coat and neck ruff?

The 'experts' advise that Maine Coons develop slowly. You will see this all over the Internet. They say that a Maine Coon becomes fully developed at about four years of age. To that you have to add the fact that individual cats develop at different rates so there is some fluidity in that four-year guideline. Young Maine Coon yet to grow his ruff. Photo: Pinterest and in the public domain. However, it is pretty clear that young Maine Coons, perhaps below two years of age, normally or often have not fully developed their coat. One Maine Coon cat owner, Lisa Smith (on Quora.com), says that her two sibling male Maine Coons started to develop their ruffs after the age of two. One of the brothers had no ruff at all at two years old. She also says that they were getting stockier and heavier boned at two years old. Further, they started to grow what cat breeders call britches a.k.a. pantaloons on their hind legs . So it looks like it isn't just the ruff which can take time to de...