Some thoughts on adopting another Maine Coon as a companion to the resident Maine Coon

I've seen homes where there is more than one Maine Coon. Greedy I'd say! Just joking but there are some good argument for having two cats rather than one provided the budget can stretch to two. But as you probably know resident cats often don't really like new cats coming to live in THEIR place, their home range. After all, although domestic cats are pretty sociable after 10,000 years of domestication the wildcat character within dictates and that character is inherently solitary. Although there are occasions when cats that were strangers become best buddies. That's what you want. But even with the best pick from a cat breeder for the newcomer and even with good luck I wouldn't expect anything more, initially, than the resident cat to tolerate the newcomer. Then they might gradually warm to each other and become friendly. Two better than one Ideally, all other things being equal, two cats are better than one as if they get along, they can entertain themselves. This...