Difference between Maine Coon and Siberian cat

The difference between the Maine Coon and Siberian cat in respect of appearance will be found in the breed standards of these cat breeds. There will also be purported differences in personality and finally in respect of health issues. Purebred cats generally have some sort of propensity to a genetically inherited illness . Photos are copyright Helmi Flick The photos on this page are protected by copyright ©. Violations of copyright are reported to Google.com (DMCA). The breed standards compare as follows in a small selection of key areas: Ears - Maine Coon ears are large and well tufted (lynx tipped). They are wide at the base. The Siberian ears are medium large and ear tips are allowed but as you can see they are not necessarily present. The MC has more prominent ear hair ( ear furnishing ) inside the ear flap. General - Maine Coon is rugged and solid with a smooth shaggy coat. The Siberian is described as medium to medium large with a triple coat and the overall app...